is it really a LAPTOP?

The Confusion comes from the builders or more like their marketing people. Coining a new name each time technologies change. Then forgetting to pay attention to the advertising of the new devices. One particular commercial I have seen, a wooden dummy asks to see a “LAPTOP” and the helpful store clerk takes a “NOTEBOOK Computer” from a display clearly marked “LAPTOPS”. So how will any one really know what it was intended to be. I personally haven’t seen a “LAPTOP” in several years, I however use my “NOTEBOOK” on a daily basis. 

LAPTOP Computer: (Circa Early 1980’s) Is a self-contained portable computer with small CRT Monitor, Pointing device, keyboard built into the lid, when opened it dropped down to expose the screen and the power source could be AC or a cumbersome and heavy battery pack, usually weighing 15 pounds or more, quite bulky, taking your whole lap to situate but they were at least portable. I am not sure but I do not think the “LAPTOP” even made it into the x386 Architecture. If they did, I stand corrected.

NOTEBOOK Computer: (Circa late 1980’s) This too is a self-contained portable computer with a LCD monitor, much lighter weight, most under a few pounds. The nomenclature: "NOTEBOOK Computer", as the first ones were about the size of a large 3 ring binder  or Notebook, was coined to differentiate the lighter more compact machine. It too is placed in your lap to operate. 

Over the last few years the “NOTEBOOK” is being called a “LAPTOP”. This isn’t what was intended, if this keeps on going the “TABLET”, some are even larger than a “NOTEBOOK” or are a “NOTEBOOK” with a “swing around screen” making the lid to be the “TABLET”, (Circa early 2000’s) will be called a laptop too, as it is usually used in your lap, adding even more confusion to the description of the “PC” that we all seem to need, and can't live without, but didn’t have before the last few decades. 

There, now I have said it. I won’t give up! It's a "NOTEBOOK!"


Typical size of the "LAPTOP Computer"

The "Transitional" Machine
One of the early "NOTEBOOK Computers"






 Steve Butler NO9S